CHROMLAX Absorbable surgical sutures catgut sutures–chromlax Chromlax, a natural absorbale suture is obtained by longitudinally slitting the intestinal submucosa of sheep andgoat, twisting the ribbons and joining them in wet condition giving monofilamentfinish.DescriptionSterile catgut chromlax suture. Frequent applicationsGeneral closure, obstetrics & gynaecological surgeries, ophthalmology, urology, orthopaedics, bowel anastomosis ligation.AbosorbableBy enzymatic digestion. Complete from 90 days. Tensile strengthStrength retention for at least 28 days. ColorTan SterilisationEthylene oxide RangeGauge sizes 6/0 to 2 (U.S.P) supplied as needled sutures and ligatures.MonofilamentFor smooth tissue passage. Smooth tie down and knot security. CautionAvoid using where long term tissue approximation is needed. Absorption is faster in infected tissues. ChromlaxTreated to provide longer tensile strength retention than plain catgut. PackagingIn a conditioning fluid containing isopropanol and water. SPECIFICATION PRODUCT CODE: CHROMLAX CATEGORY: ABSORBABLE SURGICAL SUTURES BRAND USAGE: GENERAL SURGERYSKIN CLOSUREGASTROINTESTINAL SURGERYPLASTIC SURGERYOPHTHALMIC SURGERYGYNAECOLOGYOBSTETRICSORTHOPAEDICSUROLOGY